This week we had a ships visit to the assault ship HMS Albion, when we got to naval base at devonport in plymouth we made our way to the ship then we walked up the gangway and saluted as we stepped on to albion. i remember thinking this is huge! and where is the smoking area. We where split into our different groups the AET's went with the ships WAFU , the WS's where shown around by a duty dabber and so on. We had a look around the flight deck, hangar, junior rates mess , the ops room and the bridge. We went down to the aft of the ship below the flight deck where they had the landing craft and lots of Bootnecks looking busy ! We also learned that prince philip was on board at the same time ! It was very educational to learn about life at sea and to get a taste of being on the ship first hand instead of just being told about it.
We went to pier cellars this week and it was awesome! The first time the over 18s where allowed to drink ! we brought 3 tins each from the shore van but dudley stood on one of mine and it went everywhere , i nearly cried . We had games and then we went for a hike around rame head. It was a good walk and i was made group leader by my PO (big mistake) . I remember one of the other groups having to re climb the big hill with the altar on because they took their bergens off and left them on the grass then climbed it! the padre caught them and made them do it again. I was in front of the group and it was a scorching day we down a one way path on a cliffside but there were some horses there ( they make me nervous) they started trotting towards us so being group leader i had to defend my men so i wrestled it to the ground (the truth is i jumped in a bush and hid and was branded a girl for the rest of the trip by the staff !) Afterwards we had a barbeque and a sods opera where myself,scouse,paddy,lucas and reith did a day in the life of a trainee to the style of diddy dick and dom. It went down well and even the officers were laughing ! it was reiths 18th birthday so he had his beers and flaked out in the mess ha ha lightweight.
The next day we ran the assault course which was great and at the end we had to run/fall/crawl/swim our way through the jetty which was full of freezing water but it was great fun and a great feeling to complete it. At the end of the run we had to hoist the smallest man onto our shoulders and sing a song of our choice. For some reason we sang "ring of fire" .
The jacobs ladder was great fun the div staff were jumping up and down on each end while we were trying to cross with our materials to make a raft with! harder than it looked ! just as a special treat the chief and WO had us doing press up and sit ups in the muddy water below afterwards. Character building they call it !
It was a brilliant week and the team had all settled in and started bonding properly for the first time this week . I would love to do it again.
Ah well it was back to HMS Raleigh for the blister clinic.....
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