Tuesday, 6 May 2008


I got on the train at 6:30am in plymouth station on the 16th april 2007 heading to the Royal Naval Aquaint Course which , as sods law would have it, was in rosyth, Scotland !
All i knew was that i had to be there between 16:00 hrs and 16:30 and my train was due to arrive in edinborough at 16:10, after an amazingly boring journey from south west England to Carlisle i bumped into two lads who where also on the course and we got talking , both we the same branch as me (AET) and both from my neck of the woods , (nik- plymouth , james - honiton) anyway we finally arrived at the station and spotted the petty officer in his no. 3s waiting with a clipboard. We got on the coach headed for HMS Caledonia which is a stone-ship in rosyth. After arriving and getting our gate passes we where led to the accomodation which consisted of a block of two to four man messes with communal showers (only two!!!!) and a mess square with tea/coffee facilities. after travelling all day iwas looking forward to getting my head down for the night but as i sat on the end of my pit i heard the PO's voice screaming dwn the corridor - "you all have two minutes to be in your kit and outside fell in 3 deep , MOVE" i have never got dressed so fast in my life i swear!
We were "marched" to the small parade ground and taught some basic drill manouveres in the freezing cold scottish wind .

The course was only 4 days long so it was very action packed and informative and the general aim is to give you a small insight to the way things work when you get to HMS raleigh. We had some presentations, took the PJFT again but on the road this time, had a go at circuit training during PT in the gym. Then on day three we had a trip across to the opposite coast of scotland to HMS Neptune in faslane. i personally thought that the food (scran) was very nice at neptune but opinions differ i suppose... We had a ships visit that day on HMS Penzance which, a believe is a minesweeper but im not sure. it was very small anyway . Then we had a go at the laser ranges trying to hone our marksman skills on the sa80's. Then it was 2 hours of PT circuits and back to base at HMS Caledonia. I noticed that the team of about 30 bonded quite well during the short stay and we would all be gobbing off about the days events on the many stand easys we had. The showers however where a nightmare as two showers between roughly 25 men doesnt work well !.
Thursday 20th came and we all said our good lucks and goodbyes and boarded our separate trains to return home. not before getting the beers in obviously .... ;)

All in all a very enjoyable and informative experience and i really hoped the course could have lasted longer but i was growing more and more excited about going to HMS Raleigh ....

This is the PDF info on the RNAC from the Royal Navy Official website : RNAC

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